PLS PLS This Serious TV3 Website Is Affected With A Malware Which May Harm Your PC. Our research shows that the virus was from a Chinese Group of hackers. With this we the Ghana Cyber warns the Public to stay away from the site for a while till TV3 deals with the Problem. |
TV3 Malware |
Vulnerability Description |
网站被google屏蔽 通过google搜索您的网站,搜索结果中会显示“该网站可能含有恶意软件,有可能会危害您的电脑”。 如果使用chrome或firefox浏览器直接访问您的网站,此时打开的页面不是您网站本身页面,而是谷歌的提示页面,提示“访问该网站可能会损害您的计算机!”或“已报告的攻击页面!”等字句来警告访问的用户。 |
Vulnerability Impact |
如果网站被google屏蔽,那么从google搜索引擎过来的流量必然受到严重影响;而关键是对网站信誉造成严重影响。 |
Vulnerability Recommendation |
一:确认网站是否被挂马或有病毒,如果有,先清理 二:扫描并修复网站漏洞 三:根据google的要求重新进行审核 |
Additional Info |
Vulnerability content |
Site is listed as suspicious - visiting this web site may harm your computer. |
We as a Group are doing Everything in Our Power to Pay Back these Hackers with a taste of their Own. TV3 can Contact us if the need be and any can inform their admins about this. |
I'd say we let them clean up their own shit. I'm sure they've got a "system administrator" with a CS *degree* so this will be a kiddie work. I can't wait for cloud computing in Ghana ;-)